Wall-panels.ca believes that the personal privacy of all its platform users should be maintained at all times. We are committed to enabling secure on-line transactions. Wall-panels.ca doesn’t need to know all of your personal information in order to provide you with the best service possible.
Wall-panels.ca adheres to strict computer security standards to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of any user information under our control. This includes protection against unwelcome access to Wall-panels.ca databases by outside parties. Also, whenever possible, we encrypt the information stored on our computers. Only Wall-panels.ca permitted access to this information, and such access is limited to the task at hand. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected at this web site. Although this web site may contain links to other sites, please be aware that Wall-panels.ca is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other sites. We encourage our users to take precautions when they leave our site, and to read the privacy statements of any web site that collects personal information.
We will notify you by email if, at some point in the future, there is a change to our information usage practices. Changes will also be posted in this privacy statement. We welcome any queries regarding the above privacy statement. You can contact us, and we will give a highly reliable response as soon as possible.